5 small ways to start incorporating healthier choices into your lifestyle

** This article is in partnership with Herbal Essences but all opinions are my own**

I’m a big fan of setting goals, yearly, month, even weekly. What I’ve learned over time is that the key to doing so successfully is making sure you are taking small steps everyday towards those goals, rather than setting unrealistic life changing expectations. As many of us are likely focused on the goal of incorporating healthier choices into our lifestyle, I want to encourage you to think of small changes you can make that end up having a positive impact on you overall. 

Here are the five ways I plan to incorporate healthier choices into my lifestyle this year: 

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1. Choose clean beauty products

It’s overwhelming to think you have to do a full overhaul of your bathroom if you want to start making clean beauty choices. I’d suggest picking one area of your beauty routine to revamp, like my favourite-, hair! This year I’ve been using Herbal Essences Potent Aloe & Hemp Shampoo & Conditioner made with real botanicals and endorsed by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. The EWG certifies that the shampoo meets the environmental working group’s standard on ingredient selection, transparency and manufacturing.   

Herbal Essences has totally reinvented themselves and is now focused on bringing consumers like you and I who want to make small steps towards a healthier life, the best products possible. They’ve launched a premium lineup that’s free of sulfates, parabens, colourants and dyes, is PETA certified cruelty-free, and made with real botanicals endorsed by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. The Potent Aloe + Hemp Shampoo is also EWG Certified – which is a huge deal! Plus, its Potent Aloe & Hemp collection leaves my hair with added shine and is way more manageable when it comes to cold weather frizz. I can’t get over how good they smell, how clean my hair feels after washing and how luxurious the products are! 

2. Forgive yourself more and practice gratitude


Forgiving yourself is the gateway to accepting everything as it comes; but of course, that is much easier said than done. What I’ve learned is that practicing gratitude by journaling each morning is the best way to introduce forgiving and uplifting feelings towards myself first thing in the morning. Your body and mind hear what you continuously say to it, so make that kind and gentle. 

3. Drink more water! 

This is an easy one to do, and quickly makes us feel SO much better by keeping us hydrated throughout the day. That said, it’s one we often forget because it’s just so simple. Remembering to drink water is super important, and taking small steps to make it a habit are crucial in daily wellbeing. I suggest setting a reminder first thing in the morning and perhaps a few times throughout the day to get you sipping and hydrating your body, mind and skin! 


4. Meditate

Meditation completely changed my life, and while it may still feel uncomfortable for many, pushing yourself out of that comfort zone even just for five minutes a day is a great way to make healthier choices for your mind. Again, it’s not about becoming a meditation guru, it’s about starting somewhere. If you are looking for meditations, please check out my guided meditations. I even have a five-minute quick meditation for those looking to get into the practice. 

5. Walk or move daily!

Daily movement keeps me sane and energized. The more we move our body the healthier we feel as a whole. This does not always mean a workout. It can be a quick walk around the block at lunch or cleaning around the house to get your blood flowing. Again, think of the little changes and build from there.

I hope these tips are helpful. If I can help in any other way on your healthy choice journey please never hesitate to reach out. I still have to remind myself of each and every one of these choices regularly. Small steps each day like reaching for Herbal Essence Bio Renew line are the choices that add up over time to a healthier lifestyle. I feel rewarded and happy with my decisions and as a result show up a better version of myself slowly each day. Remember, making healthier lifestyle choices is a process – so enjoy the journey, rather than focusing on the destination! Be patient with yourself (point number 2 ;) ) and don’t forget, everything adds up! 




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