My Experience with JUVÉDERM® fillers

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A few months ago I started feeling like I was looking more tired, drab and older than ever. I was getting a little down on myself and so I decided I wanted to do JUVÉDERM® fillers and I am thrilled with my decision. I wanted to share my experience with all of you here.

I recently had an appointment with the lovely Dr. Mady in Toronto to get treated with JUVÉDERM® fillers. I wanted to be completely transparent with my audience on what I did and why I did it, so I decided to write a blog post dedicated to the process. This will help many of you understand, but also help to explain the process and what it looked like for me personally. Every person is different and this was a choice I made for various reasons I will get into below. That being said, any beauty or wellness decision is a personal one, so please respect my choices and in return I promise to respect yours.

The consultation:

Before any treatment, you should first schedule a consultation with your doctor. Dr. Mady uses what is called the MD Codes™ approach (coined by world leading facial fillers expert Dr. Mauricio de Maio) to help enhance your natural beauty combined with the way you wish to look and more importantly, feel. This is often tied to physical traits that express emotions. When I visited Dr. Mady for my appointment I expressed I wanted to look less tired, less droopy (had no idea if I sounded ridiculous in this description but go with what works for you, they’ll understand), more happy and more alive. She explained any risks which aren’t common (and I didn’t have any reaction or symptoms FYI!) and how many times I would need to come back to get the best results. If all sounds good you typically book an appointment following this, which of course I did!

My pre appointment feelings:

Before my appointment I felt like I was looking really tired. I kept getting bothered by my under-eye area. I couldn’t really pin down what it was, but I felt I looked tired, older and “drab” so to speak. I was approaching my birthday and it was getting to me. Yes, I had done fillers a bit in my lips before, but I really was hoping this would help refresh my face and leave me feeling energized. My personal struggle and reasoning for booking the appointment was that I wasn’t seeing that same fullness in my skin as I normally did, and it was really starting to bother me. I needed a pick me up to feel my most confident and like the best version of myself.

The appointment:

At the appointment Dr. Mady was extremely conscious of what she was doing. She paid close attention to my natural face shape and framing and even outlined her work with a small white cream pen to make sure it was perfect To make sure this was done to give the look we both desired, Dr. Mady carefully took her time with me. There really isn’t much pain; it’s more discomfort and a strange feeling of it entering your skin and they took almost no time at all. She did tell me that typically lips are more sensitive, but I had NO issue with them. We also outlined the arch a bit to elevate that top area for a more natural pout. To be honest, most of my personal “pain” came from being a little nervous because of needles, but the actual process was easy. I do tell everyone this however, that I always make sure that I eat and am  well hydrated before, as this is what I have found works best for me. Everyone is different!  

My post treatment feelings:

I look like I slept for a month. I can’t believe how refreshed I look in comparison to my before shot. I feel more confident and it was exactly what I needed before my birthday!

The follow-up:

I didn’t bruise anywhere besides the top of my lip which was awesome! I had a bit of tenderness and swelling in the cheeks for a week and a half but after that was gone it looked and felt great, so don’t be concerned if you’re sore or feel the product at first – everyone is different. At my follow up appointment, Dr. Mady looked at how my body was taking the product, if I needed more and we set up time for my next treatment appointment. 

My experience overall was great and exactly what I wanted/needed. As I mentioned, it’s a personal decision to get JUVÉDERM® fillers but I felt it was important to share with all of you because being real and transparent is important.

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