The Low Down on Halotherapy

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I get pretty hooked on innovative and natural health techniques. I like to keep my body running at its best, while treating it with natural, healthy and holistic methods. That doesn’t mean I don’t turn to other methods by any means, but life is about the balance of one with the other. So keeping an eye on the products, procedures and of course what you ingest is the best method to the madness. One of my favourite most recent discoveries is Halothereapy at Elite Laser so I wanted to share if with you all! I was pretty excited to try out Halotherapy because I had heard of it, but I had never had the chance to try anything of the sort. Infact what drew me to the idea of Halotherapy was mostly the hype around the natural salts and what they do for your skin (much like how salt water from the ocean leaves you feeling smooth and healthy), but I had yet to discover all the other benefits it offers.

For those of you who don’t know, Halotherapy is Salt Therapy that helps heal the body and clear the lungs. The low down…. You essentially sit in a room filled with Himalayan sea salt bricks and a ventilation system that pumps in salt filled air. The idea is to recreate the conditions of a salt cave. They discovered that salt miners had not respiratory problems, amazing skin, healthy, no allergies or colds...and finally it clicked that the reasoning behind it was the inhalation of salt.

Elite Laser, a Montreal based asthetics company, recreated a top of the line salt room that is the only one of its kind in Montreal. Essentially you can sit in this room for as long as you wish. A session should usually be about 45 minutes to an hour. They offer package memberships to so you can just pop in, relax and rejuvenate. What I found amazing, they also had a kids room for kids to play in and inhale the same benefits and cure problems like asthma, bronchitis, and eczema. Adults can read, chat or do some work (and of course the work-a-holic in me thought of that right away) but the idea is to relax and breathe deeply to absorb as much air as possible.

The benefits of Halotherapy goes on and on. It actually amazes me! Here is a list of some of them:

“Halotherapy has positive influence on:

Respiratory system *anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects * thins and clears mucous * enhance mucociliary activity * balances airway surface liquid * improves lung capacity and lung function * maintains respiratory health

Skin * decrease of itching * drying of small fissures and scratches * reduces and clears edema on post- surgical scars * reduces and clears inflammation of skin

Immune System

Psycho-emotional state * reduces stress * positive effect on cardiovascular system * provides relaxation and rejuvenation” –

Elite Laser also offers a number of different series to purchase from weekly to monthly packages! You an check them out here. Join in on this health breakthrough.

xx Sam


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